

issue 12 may 1995

A little bit of a sparse issue this one, but it's always bound to happen every now and again. Around this time of year most people are too busy, and I don't like making too much of a demand for articles, photos, reviews etc.

Strange time of the year as well. Not quite the onslaught of winter, but it's coming folks.

I have been having a little bit of a problem with EgoStrange this year, there have been a number of delays which meant Ego has not been as fluent as I would have liked it to be. Hopefully you will be holding this issue in your hands a mere 8 days after I am typing this. Fingers crossed.

Seeing that I didn't have all that much to work with this issue I went for an experimental approach. If you like what we've done this issue, there may be room in future EgoStrange issues for different covers spaced within the pages...

I really need to finish this sooner or later, so I probably wont wander as much as I usually do. For everyone who has made through their first or yet another semester at Rusden, congratulations.

I think I'll be getting really, really drunk soon (well at least after teaching rounds are over). Stop by and join me for a drink.

Have fun, Groovers,

Grant McDonald

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EgoStrange Year Two
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© 1995 Rusden Association of Students
Egostrange Issue 12 delta
produced 1995
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