

issue 11 - april 1995

The plan. Map out the course of an existence, follow closely enough to allow the grand vision to arise, but leave enough leeway to enable subtle modifications, a couple of course changes; just so long as the overall direction is focused.

Now my problem is that the focus has shifted just enough to alter the plan, yet not too far to warrant huge concern. At least so I thought until I noticed that each day, the move was ever so slightly more away from where it was the day before.

No cause to panic just yet, but could be a problem by years end. As for now, the focus is there, but it is too far away. I may find that by the time I reach the destination, the appeal that it once had may not be there. Have you ever gone on a drive knowing exactly where it is you're going, but by the time you reach the place you are just too exhausted to bother?

The vision splendid. I never knew quite what that meant.

Shame really.

Grant McDonald

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