

issue 9 feb 1995

It's funny. I mean, here I am sitting in the RAS office thinking about how inappropriate the label "Generation X" is to the current generation, when "Pretty Vacant" by the Sex Pistols just happens to come on to the radio. If any generation were to be called Generation X, I think we missed the boat by about 15 years.

We are not disillusioned youth searching for answers that we can't find. I believe (he says proudly climbing the soapbox) that the current generation is far from apathetic. What those in control of the mass media forget is that we are often the innovators. For example, look at Rusden.

I don't know about you, but I am damned proud of the reputation of our older, established faculties have in the broader community. If you want to study media, Rusden has excelled for years. If you want to study Drama, Rusden is the place with the good reputation. The P.E. faculty is well known for it's high standards, as are the Arts and science faculties.

I am proud to be a Rusden student.

Anyway, off the high horse. EgoStrange still needs work, and I'm staring at the clock here. To everyone starting, continuing and coming back to Rusden, greetings and kind regards to you all.

Have fun in 1995,

Grant McDonald

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