

issue 1 - march 1994

Well, here we are again at the end of another late night. The security guard wants to kick me out, so I suppose that I shall have to be quick about this.

If I use the last few weeks as an example, I have to admit that I'm damned proud of Rusden. The community has accepted the first issue of Ego Strange quite well, and if this issue is something to go by, it looks like things are only going to get better.

I'm not going to waste much time here saying much at all, it looks like these editorial spots are becoming a bit of a dead loss. By the time I get to it, I have nothing really left to say except "My bed, bring me my bed." It's fun, it's a challenge and it's addictive. I hope that by the time that you've finished reading this issue of Ego Strange, you will feel the same as I do (not exhausted, that is) and I hope that most of you realise that we are here to stay.

Ego Strange-Groovy Times may be the second issue of the year, but it's called Issue One due to the fact that I started with Issue Zero. Next issue is "All Men Are Bastards". Do you agree, do you disagree, do you think that it is a stupid question and now that we're all at uni we should be above such things? I don't know, but I hope that you will tell me. Issue two will also come bundled up with an exclusive-ish comic book, Rubber Tonic.

Remember the deadline is the 31 st of March. Two issues down, seven more to go.

See ya next month,

Grant McDonald

P.S. Please ignore all of the typos for now, it will all be fixed by Issue 2.

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EgoStrange Issue 1 Groovy Times produced 1994
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